Female fitness is fabulous!

Channelling Helen Reddy’s lyrics: “I am strong! I am invincible! I am woman! That’s the International Women’s Day message from Curves members, from left, Viv Hicks, Leanne Mainwaring, Lynne Huntley, Judy Lester, Denise Dixon and Gale Ward. Picture: CHRIS MUNRO

Amelia Willmer

“Come and join us on International Women’s Day,” is the message from the exuberant ladies at Warwick’s Curves gym for women.

They were in Leslie Park last week to show their support for the big day on Wednesday March 8.

Curves is throwing open its doors on the day, for free, to women from Warwick and around the district.

“Bring a friend and come and try the equipment with our experienced trainers,” said Curves co-owner Leanne Mainwaring.

“International Women’s Day is all about the power, strength and dignity of women the world over,” Leanne said.

“Our workouts are not Jane Fonda sweat-fests that leave you lathered and aching for days,” she said.

“Three days a week of moderate, sensible exercise is all you need to maintain fitness, bone density, good balance and mental well-being.

“We have many good gyms and fitness centres on the Southern Downs, but Curves is one of the few that caters specifically for women’s height, strength and flexibility.

“That is important because you don’t want to risk injury by incorrectly adjusting gym equipment as you so often have to do by sharing equipment in mainstream fitness centres.

“Curves is not focused on dramatic weight loss and looking like an Instragram model.

“Our members are all down-to-earth and enjoy a good laugh. It’s a happy, sociable atmosphere. Their workouts not only increase their heart rates but also their self-esteem.

“You don’t have to go out and spend-up on designer training outfits. Comfy shorts or leg-ins, a favourite tee shirt and some trainers are all you need.

“Forget hats, sunscreen, insect repellent. It’s all indoors in a safe, supervised environment with great music.”

Curves will be open for “Come and Try and Bring A Friend“ on Wednesday March 8 from 6am to 9.30am and again in the afternoon from 3.30 to 6pm.

For more information, contact Leanne on 0409 592 850.