Almost as good as the Chattanooga Choo Choo


“A splendid American engine” is about to join the fleet of the Southern Down Steam Railway Association.

For railway buffs, it is an AC-16. The C represents its four driving axles. The 16 tells that it has a cylinder diameter of 16 inches.

For the rest of us, it is “The Yank”.

“We will shortly be leasing this splendid American engine,” said SDSR spokesman Chris Freeman.

It will be leased from the Queensland Rail Heritage collection in Ipswich.

The AC-16 played a vital role in protecting Australia from an imminent Japanese invasion during World War II.

The American government provided a fleet of the AC-16s to Queensland.

They were urgently needed to speed-up the movement of troops and the provision of supplies to the north when our railway resources were being strained to the limit.

Soon, Southern Downs residents and visitors will have a chance to share in the AC-16s heritage.

In the meantime, Chris and his fellow volunteers are planning to expand their timetable.

“We have added an extra evening to Clifton, including a pub meal, on St Patrick’s Day weekend,” he said.

“Dressing up and silliness will be encouraged,” he laughed.

“It will make other Paddie’s Day party-goers green with envy.”