Facility allows for dignity, freedom and fun

Proud of their late mother Nancy Brunton, from left Nancy's daughter Nina, son Callum, Chairman Lyndall McCormack, Nancy' sons Malcom and Lenny Brunton, and Ruth and Bob Roach. Pictures: CHRIS MUNRO

By Amelia Willmer

Dozens of visitors attended the official opening in Killarney last Friday of Nancy Brunton Place, a facility which will take dementia care to a new level.

The facility is named in recognition of the beloved matron of the old Killarney Hospital who gave 20 years of tireless care to the sick and injured people in the district.

The new facility is an initiative of Killarney Memorial Aged Care Ltd, which only recently was rated as one of the best nursing homes in Australia with a perfect 5-5 score from the assessors.

Nancy Brunton Place will provide an environment where elderly and younger onset dementia residents can feel confident and fulfilled in their daily activities and decision-making.

“‘Boredom will have no place here,” said CEO Sarah Fea.

“The new facility was funded by the Warwick Dementia Group, private donations, and a bequest,” she said.

The facility is designed to feel like a modern, bright, open-plan home and fosters a sense of belonging with thoughtful additions, including a chook pen.

Nancy’s children Ruth, Robert and Malcom attended Friday’s official opening.

They told guests they felt humbled by their late mother being honoured by naming the facility after her.

Warwick Dementia Support Group president Pam Eather performed the official opening.

Pam told guests of the shared vision her group had with KMAC to provide a supportive, caring lifestyle for those living with dementia.

The group provided substantial support to the project.

Reverend Rosemary Peterson blessed and dedicated the facility and KMAC Chair Lyndall McCormack paid tribute to the staff whom she described as “the hub of the Killarney community”.