Doing the rounds


We had our big moment a few week’s ago when Macca on a Sunday Morning on the ABC’s Australia All Over praised Cambanoora Gorge.

His show taps into another sacred national aspiration built deeply into the Aussie psyche – “Going All The Way Around Australia”.

How often do we see people in the news doing grueling marathons, going all around Australia in treks, swims, pushing lawnmowers, on top of camels, riding bikes, riding horses?

I reckon we need a National Nanna Nap All Around Autralia.

Why? Because these worthy and wonderful marathons are usually about “raising awareness“.

In one recent week we had: a girl ran round the whole of Australia to “raise awareness” of bi-polar disease”; a bloke rode his horse all round Australia to “raise awareness” of depressive illnesses; a man did a marathon sales stint at Grand Central in Toowoomba to “raise awareness about bladder cancer”.

At this rate, we need the All Around Australia Nanna Nap to relieve our Anxiety Caused By Health Awareness.

Lofty humour

With 50,000 Chinese students waiting to be allowed back to Australia post-Covid, television finance presenter Alan Khola, with wicked grin, noted: “Their numbers are ballooning.”

West side story

The ABC has taken to referring to Toowoomba as a “country town”.

Don’t know many country towns where it can take 20 minutes to go a few kilometres.

Hands up who has ever had to go to St Andrews Hospital along West St? If you get one red light, you get them all.

Country town? More like a major provincial city with accompanying traffic congestion.

Flat Top and Flat Topiary

Note the shape of young Kim’s hairdo last week on TV news.

Now check out the shape of the pot-plants that were behind him?


Aussie Lilly-Pillies will be welcome in the background if he ever grows an Afro.