What an interesting week!

Greta (left) and Julia (right) ready for the BBQ

It’s been an interesting week, one for gratitude and reflection. As I write, it dawns on me that there seems to be a theme.

I met a lovely couple living not so far from me that are working in the area and I asked them if they would be interested in fixing the bed in Kermit the bus. We had some things in common, both being ex-Kiwis so we got along like a house on fire. They are around the same age as me and incredibly hard working – in between labouring jobs in the area they are building their own house.

They tackled the job of turning Kermit’s bed into something really special, using incredible creativeness. So I am very grateful to have met them – it is not every day you run into people, especially in more rural areas like ours, that have that sort of flair and don’t cost the earth!

The next person I met, who reminded me how grateful I should be for the life I live, was a guest who booked into the cottage for two nights. When Jackie (not her real name) arrived with her husband and two children on Friday I mentioned they might like to go kayaking. She quietly said they would be unable to because her husband suffered from motor neuron disease and another condition. The children they adopted also have special needs. I was amazed at her resilience and strength as well as her quiet determination to make the most of their life. At the end of their stay, they mentioned that the two nights spent on the farm had achieved more than any counselling and had been the best therapy their children ever had. I hope they come back one day.

On Friday I picked up Julia and Greta from the bus stop in Stanthorpe in the old LandCruiser ute. The trip in the rough old Cruiser without air con was a good introduction to bush life for them. On the way home we stopped in at editor Alex’s for a coffee and a chat and arrived home with enough daylight left to light a fire down at the dam and cook a barbecue. Dora was delighted to have new friends to play with and did her best to show off by jumping in and out of the water. I thought I would take a photo of Dora sitting on the chair in between the two girls, however, when I told her to “hop up” she jumped straight on Julia’s lap, muddy paws and all!

On Saturday we went to a community barbecue at Mingoola and arranged to come back next week for a few local activities, including a tour to see brumbies and, hopefully, platypus and also to see the sheep shearing and the German band coming to Mingoola. Julia and Greta are in Australia for four months, having already travelled up the east coast over the last two months. They are hoping to get into medical school on their return to Switzerland.

Today (Sunday) was a bit of a disaster with the float on one of the troughs malfunctioning and letting the water overflow, thus losing all of our water for the bus, troughs, garden and house toilet. I managed to start the pump easily enough but I failed to prime the pump properly but I was unable to figure out why the water was not going in the tank and nearly burned out the pump in the process. Some four hours later water is flowing into the tank but I have yet to check the float – I can isolate it if necessary and still have enough water for a few days.

The girls and I are going to be busy getting ready for the Allora Heavy Horse Festival coming up this weekend. We need to try and round up the sheep into a smaller paddock so we don’t waste all day on Friday. Stephen and Coralie from Hoya Wessex Saddleback Pigs have offered a sow and litter to show and the piglets will be for sale if anyone is looking for some good Saddleback weaners. I may also have a couple of Babydoll lambs for sale over the weekend if I can muster them. I need to borrow a couple of swags for Julia and Greta, so if anyone has any they can loan for the weekend I would love to hear from you (0422 938 865).

I apologise for the column being a bit short this week, due to all my little problems on the farm. I look forward to catching up next week and if you can make it don’t forget to drop into see me, Dear Richie and the girls at Allora this weekend!