For those who’ve come across the seas …

Seven new citizens with the Mayor and Stanthorpe's town crier. Pictures: SAMANTHA WANTLING

It was a defining moment in the lives of seven Southern Downs people as they officially became Australian citizens at a ceremony in Stanthorpe last week (16 March).

Southern Downs Regional Council Mayor, Councillor Vic Pennisi, donned his mayoral chains to give weight and formality to the occasion and Councillors Andrew Gale and Deputy Mayor Ross Bartley were there to congratulate the new citizens and present each with a native plant.

Well known town crier Bob Townshend added to the atmosphere with his colourful costume and bell, looking like he was straight out of the pages of a history book.

As well as the citizenship pledge by the candidates, Australians took the chance to make their own contribution to the ceremony, standing to recite the affirmation that confirmed their own loyalty to Australia.

The council-organised event was complete with a morning tea that featured plateloads of goodies including miniature meat pies and giant Anzac biscuits where every bikkie was virtually a meal in itself.

Each new citizen received a delicate posy of native plants to wear as a mark of their new Australian identity.

The first citizenship ceremony in Australia took place in 1949, and more than five million new citizens have been accepted since that time.