Killarney oldies grateful for Sheryl’s help with library survey

Councillor Sheryl Windle.

By Amelia Willmer

Older Killarney residents who needed a paper version of an electronic survey about a proposed library in the village, have thanked Southern Downs councillor Sheryl Windle.

“When I contacted WarwickToday, I was advised to think of a councilor I trusted and give them a call,” said Mt Colliery resident Marg Murphy.

“I immediately thought of Sheryl because she always tries to help small communities like ours.”

Marg had spent a frustrating morning at Warwick Library filling in the paper form of the council survey.

When she asked to take some copies back to leave at the Killarney Co-op she was advised older people would have to come in to Warwick and fill-in the survey in the library.

“Sheryl organized to have copies, in envelopes, delivered to the Killarney Post Office, Credit Union and the Co-op,” said Marg.

“All of us oldies who don’t like computers had a chance to have our say about getting a library for Killarney, which is sorely needed.

“We all want to thank Sheryl. It’s not easy being a councilor but she has always looked out for the little villages.”