A close for homeless Molly

Molly is searching for a new home.

By Molly The Cat

Cats are dignified creatures, which is why it pains me to tell you my story. But tell it I must if I’m to find a home and family of my own.

My name is Molly and I was surrendered to ARK in a pretty dreadful state. My coat was so matted that I had to suffer the gross indignity of being shaved. It was an outrageous affront for a long-haired cat like me.

The other cats in my foster home either looked away or snickered when they saw my near nakedness. It was horribly embarrassing.

My foster mum was the one who shaved me so I gave her the cold shoulder for several weeks. Nobody shaves me and gets away unscathed!

But holding a grudge can be exhausting so one night I decided to climb on her bed for a snuggle and I’ve been doing it ever since.

My magnificent coat has not yet returned to its former glory, but I can now look in the mirror and feel good about what I see.

I think you’d be impressed, too.

My adoption fee is $200 and I’m desexed, vaccinated and microchipped. If you’d like to meet me, please go to: www.petrescue.com.au/listings/949664