Our story drums-up support to tune of $500

Warwick Credit Union CEO Lewis von Stieglitz hands a big cheque to Emu Vale bagpiper Nic McGahan.

By Amelia Willmer

Our story about young Emu Vale bagpiper Nic McGahan sparked a generous show of support.

Nic has been selected from hundreds of applicants worldwide to be one of an elite 20 pipers in the Pipes and Drums at this year’s Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in August.

Warwick Credit Union CEO Lewis von Stieglitz read our story and saw that Nic was having to work as many shifts as he could at McDonald’s to help pay for some of his costs to attend the Tattoo.

Lewis immediately offered a tangible show of support, a cheque for $500 on behalf of the community of members of the Credit Union.

“Nic has worked hard and made many sacrifices to attain this level of skill with the bagpipes,” Lewis said.

“He has had to take a gap year in his plan to study for a biomedical science degree at QUT.

“I hope this donation from the Warwick Credit Union will be of practical assistance but also to let Nic know he has the support of his community.

“We are proud to have such a talented young man representing us at this iconic event which attracts millions of television viewers around the world.”

Nic thanked Lewis for the cheque and said he was very grateful for the support.

He leaves for Scotland on July 26 for a week of intensive rehearsal before the Tattoo begins its month-long run on August 4.

“When I get back, I promise to do a performance at the Celtic Festival in Warwick in September,” he said.

His mates in the pipe band at his former school, Scots PGC College, and his fellow musicians in Warwick Thistle Pipe Band, will certainly hold him to that.