John Telfer to bear the Legacy torch

John Telfer

John Telfer, who writes a historical column for this paper, has been honoured with a place as one of 1500 torchbearers running across the globe in the Legacy Centenary Torch Relay.

Legacy is famed for growing from a simple statement of one soldier to a dying fellow in the trenches of the western front during World War 1. It is said he assured his mate, “I’ll look after the missus and the kids,” and that promise underlies the entire organisation of today’s Legacy, which in Australia supports more than 40,000 partners and children of veterans of the Australian Defence Force.

Running alongside the commemorative torch relay will be a fund-raising campaign to raise $1 million. John’s fund bucket is already starting to grow and his fundraising efforts can be seen on the Legs for Legacy website.

Warwick Stanthorpe Today will be following John on his journey. In the meantime, read the full story on Page 3 of ‘Southern Living’, which you’ll find tucked into today’s paper.