A year on, flood recovery nears completion

Scars left across Ipswich and other SEQ regions by the shocking floods of 2022 are finally fading.

According to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA), nearly 80 per cent of properties impacted by floods just over one year ago are no longer showing signs of damage.

Between 13 February and 3 March this year, the authority’s officers returned for a third time to view 3,604 of the homes and businesses that were affected.

It was the biggest post-disaster damage assessment operation carried out in Queensland in more than a decade.

Of the 8,698 homes and businesses identified as damaged following the catastrophic SEQ floods of 2022, 6,744 properties are now damage free once again.

Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) staff have completed the latest damage assessment and reconstruction monitoring operation. From the 3,604 assessments made between 13 February and 3 March, 1,650 properties were marked as no longer being damaged.

Of the 1,954 properties still damaged, repair work is underway on 739 of these.

Many of the properties visited are registered for the $741 million Resilient Homes Fund, a joint Commonwealth-state program under their Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) that relate to the destructive rainfall and flooding events of 2021-2022.

Homes most severely damaged in last year’s flood event and at greatest risk of future flooding have been prioritised through the Resilient Homes Fund Voluntary Home Buy-Back Program.

Deputy Premier Steven Miles said the 2022 floods were some of the worst this state has ever seen.

“After the waters receded, we launched a major recovery and reconstruction effort, led by QRA, that has now included three rounds of damage assessments in impacted areas,” he said.

“This recent 12-month check-in continues our largest damage assessment and reconstruction monitoring operation since the 2011 floods.

“Over three weeks 3,604 properties were visited, with 45 per cent of these marked as no longer being damaged.

“For the 1,954 home and business owners whose properties remain damaged, we’ve informed them of the Queensland Government support services available, including our dedicated Resilient Homes Fund team, available via 13 QGOV (13 74 68),” he said.

“Through our flood damage assessment and reconstruction monitoring efforts we can maintain conversations with the people affected to find out exactly what they need.

“Whether that’s accommodation or financial aid, or social assistance, we’re not going to leave anyone behind.”

QRA CEO Major General Jake Ellwood said more than 420 voluntary buy-back offers had been presented to homeowners, with 299 offers accepted across Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Sunshine Coast, Fraser Coast, Gympie, Moreton Bay, Lockyer Valley and Noosa.

“These buy-backs are allowing some of our most vulnerable Queenslanders to move out of flood danger and move on with their lives,” Maj. Gen Ellwood said.

“We’ve had more than 6,000 homeowners register for the Resilient Homes Fund, which also offers options for people to raise their home or retrofit it to a more flood-resilient standard, and applications for the program remain open.

“We’re committed to helping these Queenslanders make the best decision about their homes and to get them back into a resilient property as soon as possible.”

For more information on QRA damage assessment and reconstruction monitoring (DARM), visit qra.qld.gov.au/darm.

Properties visited during the recent observation period were located in Brisbane, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Logan, Gold Coast, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Toowoomba, Western Downs, Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Gympie, Fraser Coast and North Burnett local government areas.

Additional support on the ground was provided by Queensland’s Department of Communities, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES), the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Disaster Relief Australia, and local councils.