Retail workers deserve more support on safety issues

The National Retailers Association wants greater protections for retail workers.

The National Retail Association has demanded greater protection for retail workers and customers.

NRA chief executive officer Greg Griffith is calling on all State Governments to follow the lead of South Australia with legislation to make assaulting a retail worker a specific offence.

He also called for greater police presence in shopping centres, and more powers to prohibit violent individuals from returning to a store.

“We know from our recent survey that 88 per cent of retail workers experienced abusive or aggressive behaviour at work over the previous 12 months, including 85 per cent who were abused while trying to prevent theft.

“Retail workers have the right to be safe at work, and not be physically or verbally abused. People who are there with the wrong intentions are not welcome and retailers should be able to exclude them.

“We are calling on all State Governments to step up the protections the law provides for both team members and customers in retail areas.

“Nobody deserves to be attacked while they are trying to do their job, and we need urgent action from governments in the face of this escalating problem.”

Mr Griffith also urged retail workers to always put their own safety first when dealing with criminal behaviour, whether that was theft, aggression or violence.

“We are seeing more, and more brazen, attacks on retail sites. Workers always need to remember that their safety must come before every other consideration.”

The National Retail Association represents more than 60,000 stores across Australia.