Helping overcome grief


Sadness, confusion, anger, guilt and fear. People experience grief in many ways and it’s normal for bereavement to bring with it a mixture of intense feelings, but sometimes people just need a bit of extra support.

For the past 30 years, Blue Care has been helping people cope with the loss of loved ones by conducting specialised grief programs.

The Blue Care Grief and Loss program offers practical advice and effective coping skills while also providing emotional and social support.

The organisation is now taking bookings for its Grief and Loss Program starting on 8 May in Warwick.

The program is run as a small group, and people meet for two hours a week for eight consecutive weeks. There is no cost for the program, as the trained facilitators volunteer their time.

Margaret Spinks, administrative assistant for the Blue Care Grief and Loss Program, said people could register their interest by phoning Barbara on 0417 674 121 or Jean on 0459 462 379.