Sicilian culture meets Catholic tradition


Sunday, 30 April is a special day in St Joseph’s Catholic Parish calendar, as Sicilian culture meets Catholic tradition at the church’s annual Three Saints Celebration.

The day, which is a combination of religious solemnity and joy along with feasting and fun, is open to both faithful parishioners and visitors.

The most colourful part of the religious ceremony is the procession of the Three Saints, which takes place after the 1pm Mass and rosary. The statues of the Three Saints represent three Italian brothers Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino who were tortured for their Christian faith in Messina, Sicily, before being marched through several townships and finally being martyred in Lentini in 253AD.

The statues of the Three Saints were brought to Australia from Italy as an act of thanks after Alfio and Leonarda Lofaro had their prayers answered by the intercession of the brotherly Saints for their son Tony’s recovery from a serious medical condition. Mrs Lofaro went to Sicily with another son in 2000 to take possession of the statues and a precious relic of Saint Filadelfo, contained in a silver holder and now a revered part of the Three Saints Celebration.

The celebrations will continue into the night with food, dancing and a laser light show. Along with a gourmet barbecue and bar, traditional Italian sweets and roasted chestnut will be available.