Bridge players gather

People from around the region came to Warwick for friendship and Bridge.

Dealer: W Vul: Both


♠ AKJ85

♥ K102

♦ Q6



♠ 10764 ♠ 932

♥ Q9643 ♥ J7

♦ 753 ♦ J1084

♣ 8 ♣ A1064


♠ Q

♥ A65

♦ AK92

♣ 97532

Nearly ninety bridge players from various parts of South-East Queensland gathered for Warwick’s one-day congress at weekend. Convener Ros Hart is to be congratulated for her efforts in making the event such a success. All those members who contributed to the morning and afternoon teas won the admiration of our visitors. Tony Hinde’s efficient preparation of the boards needed for the day’s play must also be recognized.

At the table, the strong Brisbane contingent dominated the competition. Jim and Pamela Evans, perennial winners of this event were again first overall. The only local player to win a prize was Sandra Head, who combined with former member Havah Nielsen to win the C Grade division. Jim and Pamela were leading with one round to play. They consolidated their position by making 6NT on the hand above. The bidding is not available, but it can be assumed that North (Pamela) opened with a strong bid and at the first opportunity Jim showed a strong enough response (probably a jump in no trumps) for Pamela to push on to slam. Jim received the common lead of the four of hearts which was won in hand. The next essential play is the Queen of spades in order to free up North’s spades, followed a club to one of North’s honours to force out the Ace. Once this has been done, declarer can cash another four spades, another heart and three diamonds to go with the King of hearts and two clubs. The Ace of clubs was the only loser. With very few other pairs bidding 6NT Jim and Pamela scored 12 imps on this board. Had West held five spades and East two, the ending would not have been so happy. One can understand the reluctance of many pairs to stop in game, but you don’t win big events by being timid.

Results: Congress- A Section P. Evans J. Evans 1; J. Luck I. Luck 2; B. Section V. Markovic V. Markovic 1; V. Brewer J. McGowan 2; C Section: S. Head H. Nielsen 1; S. Fraser S. Fraser 2.

Monday, 17/04/23 (5-table Mitchell) N/S J. Nankervis P. Kelly (61.2) 1; N. Collins M. Simpson (57.9) 2. E/W N. Bonnell T. Hinde (62.9) 1; J. Mobbs L .Munson (55.0) 2. Friday, 21/04/23 (6-table Mitchell): N/S N. Collins M. Simpson (60.7) 1; N. Bonnell B. Bonnell (54.7) 2; R. Hart Jenny Smith (53.3) 3. E/W L. Munson J. Nankervis (61.0) 1; H. Price N. McGinness (58.3) 2;

J. Rose D. Moran (54.7) 3.