Fix the hole, resident begs

Joe Puruczki near the earth drain.

An earth drain that has a particularly deep hole gouged in it near the Homestead Road culvert at Rosenthal Creek has one resident worried sick that a child could be injured at the area.

Homestead Road resident Joe Puruczki said last week (9 June) that children liked to play near the creek and the deep hole, with its banks that were vertical in places, was ’an accident waiting to happen’.

“It is a massive hole. There was two-metre-high grass where the hole is and that’s been mowed now but the hole is still there,” he said.

“If someone was driving home at night in a storm and slipped off the bitumen there because they didn’t make the turn it could just about swallow up the car.

“The sad thing is that there is orange tape nearby, all rolled up, but no one is putting tape around this dangerous area. Surely that’s the least that could be done.”

A deep concrete-block drain also near the road could do with a guard rail, too.

The area is to receive bridgeworks worth over $1 million but the job is not due to start until August.