HOPE: Having Other Possibilities Explored

Queensland Mental Health Week following on from World Suicide Prevention Day provides communities to continue the conversation around mental health and suicide. “Creating Hope through Action” the theme for World Suicide Prevention Day links with the theme of “Awareness, Belonging and Connection” for Mental Health Week: These are basic fundamentals for well-being- reaching out for help, looking out for each other and creating and continuing relationships with others. When we combine the six building blocks “Get healthy, Keep learning, Show kindness, Connect more, Take notice and Embrace nature to “awareness connection and belonging” we can help to create HOPE, Having Other Possibilities Explored.

Our actions no matter how big or small can provide hope to those who may be struggling.

Services that are able to assist include:

StandBy Support after Suicide 1300 727 247

Lifeline 131114

13 YARN 13 92 76

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Kids HelpLine

MH Call 1300 642 255

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

Head Space headspace.org.au

Q Life-LGBTIQ + 1800 184 527

Mates In Construction 1300 642 111

Carers Gateway 1800 422 737