Sights set for students

Winner of the WHarchies Pepper Wickham with Karina Devine.

Warwick Art Gallery, known for its diverse range of exhibitions, has again become the centre of attention with its latest showcase, In Sight 6.

According to Gallery Director Karina Devine, this exhibition, featuring artwork by Warwick State High School students, has garnered significant public acclaim.

For the sixth consecutive year, Warwick Art Gallery has extended its support to the visual art students at Warwick State High School, providing them with a unique opportunity to display their creations within the walls of a professional art gallery. This collaboration marks a crucial milestone in the students’ artistic journey, as their works are meticulously framed, hung, labelled, and presented to the public.

Karina Devine, a former secondary school art teacher herself, recognizes the significance of this experience for the students.

“The students only see their art in the context of the school environment and assessment, but it takes on a whole new life when professionally installed.

“This is one of the most commented on exhibitions that we host every year because our visitors are genuinely interested in the ideas and aspirations of our youth.

“They always comment on the talent and unexpected themes in some of the work,” Karina said.

One of the exhibition’s highlights is a dedicated section featuring works inspired by the renowned Archibald Portrait Prize at the Art Gallery of New South Wales.

Cleverly named the “WHArchies,“ this segment challenged students to create symbolic portraits of individuals associated with Warwick State High School. The aim was to convey more than just the physical appearance of the subjects, using symbolism to provide deeper insights.

In Sight 6 has undoubtedly become a platform for young artists to showcase their creativity and express their unique perspectives. The exhibition not only celebrates their talent but also fosters a connection between the community and the aspirations of Warwick’s youth.

Warwick Art Gallery invites art enthusiasts and the general public to witness the thought-provoking and visually captivating In Sight 6 exhibition.

Warwick Art Gallery is open Tuesday to Friday 10 am to 4pm and on Saturdays 10am to 1pm. Entry is Free.