86 candles for pensioners

Arthur Bulter, Greg Dillon and Arnie Crow prepared themselves for their performance.

By Lucy Waldron

The Warwick Pensioners and Superannuants League marked a significant milestone as they celebrated their 86th anniversary on 28 September.

The event was attended by members from Rosewood, who came together to support the league in a day filled with music, food, and reminiscent conversations.

Nine years older than the state branch who had their 78th conference not long ago, the Warwick Pensioners League has consistently aimed to support the community in every endeavour.

President of the Warwick League and treasurer of the state league Michael Holland said reaching 86 years is a great milestone for the organisation.

“Having people come from Rosewood is great because we encourage them to get out of their home environment and you can see they enjoy it,” Michael said.

However, keeping the League afloat has not been an easy feat.

The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted their membership numbers, with Michael noting that there were 42 members when he joined, but now they have only 20. This decline has made it increasingly difficult to organise events and outings for the group, as the expenses per head become too much.

Despite these challenges, the league remains committed to its mission of serving the community. Michael emphasised the importance of their educational initiatives, which cover a wide range of topics including technology, bank interest rates, youth crime, and cybercrime. “What we are trying to achieve is so important for the community,“ Michael stated.

In addition to providing vital information, the league also fosters connections and a sense of community by regularly organising lunch outings and encouraging socialising among its members.

The Warwick Pensioners and Superannuants League is not just for aged pensioners, any government pensioner or superannuant are welcome to join.

“The main thing we strive to put out there is that we involve more than just aged people and we support the community.”