Community Van lending a hand

Project manager Catherine Cazaly, Suncorp Bank Manager Gary Kelly and Volunteer Cynthia Hoffman in the Community Van. Picture: LUCY WALDRON

By Lucy Waldron

In search of making a meaningful impact in the community, a dedicated team came together to address a pressing need.

Recognising the lack of food options for families and individuals in need during weekends, the Warwick Community Food Van was born. The van, which opened its doors in 2019, offers home-cooked meals to those who would otherwise go without every Sunday.

The idea behind the food van initiative stemmed from a desire to meet people’s needs without any conditions or paperwork. The team wanted to create a grassroots movement that focused solely on meeting the immediate need for food, without any strings attached.

The Community Van’s project manager, Catherine Cazaly said over the four years the van has grown significantly and has served over 12,000 meals.

“When we set out, we intended it to be for people sleeping rough however the need developed more into fostering community connection,” Catherine said.

The team behind the food van consists of a committee and a group of dedicated volunteers. These volunteers, ranging from 20 to 30 individuals, contribute their time in various capacities. Some serve meals directly from the van, while others assist with preparing fresh meals or organising fundraising events.

Before Covid, the food van served numerous families, with some nights seeing up to 90 individuals benefiting from this service, Catherine said.

“After Covid, we have seen fewer families and more pensioners or individuals that are seeking that connection or are doing it rough in other ways than being homeless,” she said.

Looking towards the future, the Warwick Community Food Van aims to continue its mission of serving the community. The van’s success and growth are a testament to the unwavering support and generosity of the community.

Suncorp Bank Warwick has come on board to assist the Community Van as part of their October food drive.

Warwick Branch Manager Gary Kelly said the donations would support locals at a critical time in the lead-up to the festive season, aiming to tackle the issues of food security and food waste.

“We’re keen to rally our community to give what they can to support people who need it,” Mr Kelly said.

At the end of the month the food collected, in the foyer of the Warwick branch, will be given to the Community Van.

“You can support our mission by donating pantry stables and long-life items to the Suncorp Bank October food drive,” Catherine said.