The Big Blue Picnic

The community joined together to support each other and the Big Blue Picnic. Pictures: LUCY WALDRON

By Lucy Waldron

St Marks Church transformed into a sea of blue on Sunday, 8 October as community members gathered for the highly anticipated Big Blue Picnic.

With colourful rugs spread out and delicious packed feasts in hand, attendees came together to bask in support of one another and recognise the vital importance of fostering connection in today’s world.

Organised by Zack Locke’s Flocks and the Southern Downs Suicide Prevention Network (SDSPN), events like the Big Blue Picnic are crucial in promoting better mental health within the community.

One of the event organisers Colette Locke said they strive to create events that are inclusive for all and build that sense of community.

“It is known that having that community support reduces the rate of suicide,” Colette said.

The picnic welcomed anyone impacted by suicide, individuals supporting their loved ones, or those seeking connections with others who share similar experiences.

President of SDSPN, Maritta Hutley , expressed the organisation’s dedication to raising awareness and fostering connections. Although relatively new, SDSPN understands the importance of addressing the lack of passion and direction often associated with depression and suicide. Their aim is to encourage individuals to come together, support one another, and find solace in shared experiences.

As a poignant tribute, hand-painted rocks were carefully placed in the blue garden of St Marks by those who have lost someone to suicide. Surrounded by the vibrant blooms, their memory lasts forever.

The Big Blue Picnic not only provided a space for individuals to come together and support one another, but it also served as a reminder of the power of community in promoting mental health and well-being.

By fostering connections and creating a sense of belonging, events like these play a vital role in raising awareness and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues.