Fashion for the Cup

Cherry Lawlor, Mick Lowlor and Gloria Mogridge dressed to impress.

Tuesday 7 November, the day everyone dons their big hats and best outfits for it is the Melbourne Cup.

Around Warwick families and friends gathered to watch the races over food and drink.

While the Club Warwick RSL saw high-fashion and sweep prizes at their Melbourne Cup Luncheon, the Churches of Christ Warwick Campus, One Table Cafe took the festivities to the next level.

“Fashion on the field” meant the Residents were able to dress the staff however they wished and in turn, creating alter egos out of the workers.

In addition to the great looks that each staff pulled off and paraded around the campus, the residents were treated to fun Melbourne Cup related games.

An alternative way to celebrate the Day while still getting into the spirit and cheering on the grand event.