Score the theme for Jumpers and Jazz

Get creative! Pictures: LUCY WALDRON

Warwick Art Gallery is already planning the yarn bombed tree jumper exhibition as part of the Jumpers and Jazz in July 2024. Transforming the city’s central business district (CBD) into a vibrant outdoor art gallery, the exhibition will see trees adorned with charming textile artwork.

The annual tree jumper exhibition has woven its way into the hearts of thousands of artisans and visitors for fifteen years. The exhibition features approximately 100 trees in the CBD “yarnbombed” by artists, local businesses, community groups and everyday folks from near and far.

The theme for the 2024 Tree Jumper Exhibition is “SCORE,” providing participants with a creative springboard to explore various interpretations and ideas. From sports to music, games to achievements, the possibilities are endless for participants to showcase their unique artistic visions through textile art.

Now open for registrations, the 2024 Tree Jumper Exhibition invites participants from near and far to showcase their creations.

Visit for more information.