Op till you drop at Vinnies

Get ready for a fantastic haul at Vinnies. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

The season to shop till you drop is upon us, but today’s the day when you can ‘op till you drop’ in Warwick at the Grafton Street Vinnies store!

The store will have its 30 November not-to-be-missed super sale where just about every item will be on sale for $2. (Understandably, furniture and Galaxy Manchester products are not included in this gold coin bonanza.)

The store will be open from 9am to 7pm so that nobody misses out. Of course it will help for unearthing stocking fillers and a few special finds for under the tree, but this day is a gift that gives twice, as the proceeds from the sale day will go to St Vincent de Paul’s program to support people in the local community experiencing poverty, housing stress or homelessness.

You don’t have to be a shopaholic to take advantage of this giant sale. You just need an eye for a bargain and a bit of time to slip down to Grafton Street Vinnies today. Whether you’re there to stretch your pennies and shop from necessity or you’re an op-shop tragic, a 10-hour shopping spree that doesn’t cost the earth really sounds too good to pass up.