Too much paperwork tabled?

It was probably not a case of too much paperwork on the table at the meeting of the Southern Downs Regional Council but Cr Cynthia McDonald, who is well known among her colleagues for having vast printouts of agendas and other hard copy at each meeting, had to watch her meticulous piles of papers heading south at the meeting on 22 November.

Lurking under the floor-length tablecloths at the chambers are hardware-store-style folding tables and one of the locking clips probably hadn’t been positioned perfectly in place.

It certainly gave rise to some levity at the council meeting when the table, seemingly in slow motion, collapsed on one side and the papers became an A4 stream of not-quite-Niagara-Falls proportions heading for the carpet.

“It’s all the paperwork you print out for a council meeting,” CEO Dave Burges quipped.

When Cr McDonald had a wardrobe fail with one of her strappy sandals breaking on the same day, no doubt she was hoping that small misfortunes did not come in threes. After the meeting, she was heard to murmur quietly that she would be extremely careful on the way home looking out for kangaroos.