Bush Christmas cheer

Jacinta Lax, Lucile Mery and Gin Tranberg enjoying a cocktail. Pictures: CHRIS MUNRO

By Lucy Waldron

Kicking off the festive month with a resounding success, the Allora Bush Christmas drew a crowd of over 3000 people, creating a vibrant celebration that catered to all ages.

Allora Community Circle committee member Jaimie McMillian said it was such a good turnout because the Community Circle members put their heart and soul into it.

“We aimed to create an event that would reinvigorate what Bush Christmas is all about, which is connecting our community and bringing everyone together,” Jaimie said.

The streets of Allora were transformed into a lively spectacle, teeming with families enchanted by reindeer, bubbles, and an array of engaging games and rides. Parents explored stalls while enjoying the entertainment on the main stage.

Buoyed by the overwhelming success, the Allora Community Circle is already planning to elevate the event to greater heights next year.

“I think this day highlights the fact that our community is begging for the types of events that foster connection,” Jaimie said.

One standout aspect for the Community Circle was the positive response from both the community and participants.

Residents, both longstanding and new, expressed their joy at the event’s significance in bringing festive excitement to the town. Equally noteworthy was the feedback from vendors who commended the exemplary behaviour of the local children.

“The ride vendors said coming to country events like this far surpass anything they do in the city because they felt so welcomed and the children were so well-mannered,” Jaimie said.

“This wasn’t just from one either, so it is nice to hear our community are raising good little humans.”

The Allora Bush Christmas has not only become a hallmark of the holiday season but stands as a testament to the community’s ability to create joyous occasions that resonate with all.

With plans unfolding for an even grander event next year, the Allora Community Circle is set to continue their mission of fostering connection and community spirit through memorable celebrations.