Threading the community and land

This lovely quilt was crafted by six members of the Allora Arts and Crafts group and they managed to raise $1000 for Junior Landcare Australia. Karen Potter, Sonia Prendergast, Jan Hemphill and Barb Corby. Picture: CHRIS MUNRO

By Lucy Waldron

Every year the Allora Arts and Crafts group channels its creative talents into a charitable cause.

This year it was decided that Junior Landcare would be the recipients of the efforts and so members created a quilt to bring in the donations.

Allora Arts and Craft Group member Jan Hemphill said each section was created by a kit that was gifted to the members, then combined to create a farm and landscape masterpiece.

Tickets for the quilt were sold on the streets, with the draw taking place on a Saturday at the Allora Bush Christmas. The fortunate winner, currently on her way to Tasmania, had previously admired the quilt during her visit to Allora, prompting her to purchase tickets.

With the amount of tickets sold over the duration of the quilt being showcased, $1013 was made for Junior Landcare.

“We never thought we would get that amount but it is great to give to Junior Landcare as it helps the children growing up around here to look after the land,” Jan said.

The Allora Arts and Craft group meet every Tuesday morning at St. Davids Hall in Allora and welcomes anyone who wants to join their projects.