Help in bushfire recovery

Granite Belt and Warwick region primary producers whose properties were damaged during the bushfires last year are now eligible to apply for grants to get their properties back to full operation.

Government grants of up to $75,000 will help eligible farmers and primary producers fund their short-term recovery needs including pasture rehabilitation, fodder, replacing livestock and repairing infrastructure and equipment.

The support is being offered through the State and Federal Governments and will be administered by the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF).

Federal Minister for Emergency Management Murray Watt said the new support packages built on the assistance that had already been rolled out including hardship payments for residents, freight subsidies and support for people to reconnect to essential services.

“The new support packages will address some of the longer term recovery needs,” he said.

The $6 million package will include $5 million in grants to Southern Queensland farmers while a $1 million Local Recovery and Resilience Grant will go to the Western Downs Regional Council in recognition of the damage caused by the Tara fires.

Other assistance being offered includes operational concessional loans available through QRIDA for primary producers and small businesses, freight subsidies for primary producers (DAF) and grants for individuals (available through the Personal Hardship Assistance and Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Schemes).