Golf off to a hot start

Smiles all round, as the 19th hole Birdies Bar & Bistro, offered some cool relief for our golfers who braved the heat to start the 2024 golfing calendar off.

The Warwick Women’s Golf Club year has started off with the heat blazing. A bit much for some, but doesn’t bother others.

2024 Opening Day, sponsored by the Warwick Golf Club, was a hot one after a week of milder days. There was a good field of women on the course. Most of them making an early start.

Wednesday 10 January saw congratulations go to Annice Payne, returning a card of 35 points to take the win. Anna was runner-up for the day with 34 points. Rundown included Margaret Adcock 33 and Liz Cockram, Jo McAntee, Gwen Mills, Janine Stewart, and Melanie McLennan all with 32 points. Jo, Anna, Janine and Liz all shared in the Pro Pin on the 16th. The Gobbles competition has started on Day 1. Liz had the first gobble of the year on the 9th. Margaret however has started the year off in style with 3 gobbles – 7th, 17th and 18th!

The first Monthly Medal held on Saturday 13 January was a tough one for a lot of ladies.  Thankfully it wasn’t as humid as Wednesday but perhaps the wind added a challenging factor. The course difficulty was rated as +1. However our Division 1 winner was not deterred and came in with a score of 71 nett – congratulations to Jill Barnes. With only 28 putts comprising gobbles (holing the ball out from off the green) on 13 and 14 were amongst the best of the day. However Gwen Mills was the putting winner with only 26 putts. Anna was runner-up today with 76 nett on a count back  from Sam Hinze,  Janine  Stewart, and Melanie McLennan.  Division 2 had a smaller contingent, with Carole Brandon taking the honours with 77 nett just 1 ahead of Helen Olsen with 78 nett. Sharron Cooper was the best putter of the day with just 27 putts. Pro Pin was shared between Melanie,  Anne Lyons,  Roslyn Darton and Sam. Approaches won by Gwen, Anna, Wendy and Carole. Thanks to Birdie Bistro & Bar for sponsoring our monthly medals. 

Coming Events

Wednesday 17 January – 18/9 White Stableford. 

Saturday 20 January,  Big W 4BBB.