Gale seeks second term

Incumbent Andrew Gale will seek a second term as Southern Downs councillor. Picture: FILE/JEREMY SOLLARS

Councillor Andrew Gale will seek a second term on the Southern Downs Regional Council, taking to social media to announce his candidacy for the upcoming election in March.

In a statement to media, the incumbent councillor said he’d made the decision “after careful consideration“.

“Lots of people have been asking me for months if I was intending to stand. To be honest, it was getting in the way of me doing my job, representing and making decisions as a councillor,” Mr Gale said.

“We go into caretaker mode in less than a fortnight, so making this announcement now is probably about right.

“I have been deeply honoured to have been elected to this position. It’s a real privilege and one I’ve never taken for granted.

“It was a role that my late father strove for, but never achieved. I’m sure he’s proud to look down and see a Gale as a councillor.”

Mr Gale has served as a councillor since his election in 2020.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a councillor, I’m proud of everything that I’ve achieved both individually and as part of a great team and organisation,“ he said.

“There are plenty more things that I want to do as a councillor, so I’m asking that you put your faith in me again and vote for me come this March.”