Lawyer Melissa Hamilton officially launches mayoral tilt

Lawyer and water rights advocate Melissa Hamilton has officially launched her campaign for Southern Downs Mayor.

Commercial lawyer and water rights advocate Melissa Hamilton has become the first to publicly announce her candidacy for Southern Downs Mayor, stating her intention to enter the race as an unaligned independent candidate.

It comes after a billboard with Ms Hamilton’s campaign messaging was unveiled on the New England Highway on 17 January.

“I have decided to run for mayor because I believe that it is a serious position that requires leadership and professionalism. That’s what I can offer,“ she said.

“Residents of the Southern Downs deserve a mayor who works for them and is not answerable to a political party.

“I’ve never belonged to a party and being an independent means I can push at every door – state, federal and private – to secure more investment for the region.”

Ms Hamilton said the main message she had been hearing from residents across the Southern Downs was that they wanted a council that worked together.

“People are sick of ongoing division and conflict among councillors,” she said.

“They expect their elected officials to cooperate and get things done.”

Ms Hamilton promised to bring integrity and professionalism to the role.

“As mayor, I will work with energy and enthusiasm and support ideas and projects that are good for all of our communities,” she said.