Cost-of-living pressures see Beyond Blue’s support requests skyrocket

Requests for assistance through Beyond Blue have increased over 40 percent over the holiday season. Photo contributed.

New Beyond Blue data reveals one in five people’s mental health is extremely impacted by the rising cost of living.

Their latest community survey found financial pressures are the number one stressor for people, and that on the eve of Christmas.

The survey found:

• 77 percent of people feel stressed heading into the end of the year – almost a third feel “quite a bit” or “extremely” stressed.

• 83 percent report the rising cost of living is negatively impacting their mental health, with one in five respondents reporting that impact is extreme.

• People aged 18 – 49 were more likely to report the cost of living was having a negative impact on their mental health.

• Almost a third of all respondents say they are unlikely to put a plan in place to manage their mental health.

Beyond Blue’s Clinical Spokesperson Dr Grant Blashki said Beyond Blue was prepared for an increase in demand over the holiday season.

“Last December, we saw a 41 per cent increase on the monthly average in contacts to the Beyond Blue Support Service, and we expect the same, if not more, this year,” said Dr Blashki.

“It’s been a tough year as people grapple with cost-of-living pressures, high inflation, continual rate rises, and economic uncertainty.

“Financial stress is having a significant impact on people’s mental health, it’s a time of great reflection, loneliness for some, and impossible financial expectations for others, such as buying presents or travelling to see family.”

Dr Blashki said the latest survey showed under a third of people were unlikely to put a plan in place to manage their mental health and wellbeing when things get stressful.

“What science tells us about looking after your wellbeing is that small regular actions, such as exercise or meditation, can be very effective,” he said.

“We have developed a new Wellbeing Action Tool to help people identify ways that work for them,” said Dr Blashki.

Melbourne woman Megan Barrow has lived experience of depression, PTSD, and anxiety, including agoraphobia, and helped design the tool.

“There is a lot of social pressure in the lead up to the holiday season,” said Ms Barrow.

“This time of year takes a little more out of me and can be challenging.

“When I had agoraphobia, well-meaning advice like ‘go for a walk’ wouldn’t have worked for me, so, I map out things that personally help me.