Bringing a commonsense approach

Nicholas Suduk is throwing his hat in.

Personal Details

What is your:

Name? Nicholas Suduk

Age? 49

Suburb of residence? Silverwood


How long have you lived in the Southern Downs?

Since 1987

When was the last time you lived away from the region and why?

I was away for a brief period in 2007, doing FIFO mining at Macarther River Mine, driving dozers/graders in the lead/zinc mine and the reason was that I was not making any money with the horses at that time and needed to expand my experiences.

Campaign General

What has prompted you to run for council?

I have thought about it for a while and have watched decisions made for the region that I was frustrated with.

What is your assessment of the current council?

Looking from the outside, I would have liked them to consult and listen to the community or stakeholders and inform the community what was coming.

At this stage what is the main thing you offer:

Residents as a whole/ratepayers

What I offer is the same for both groups. I have worked in retail, earthmoving, mining, racing industry, and of course farming, so I have a wealth of experience and leadership across a number of industries. I own my own business and know how hard it is just to make ends meet.

Are there specific differences in approach for:

Particular suburbs/towns in the region?

Southern Downs has so many fantastic areas and people and yes, we have different needs depending on the location or situation. I would like less red tape from the council for community run events and more assistance for groups to promote this great region. I would like to make sure that all our basics are covered, such as water security, roads, parks, buildings.

Rural landholders?

Being a farmer myself, I understand the associated issues for farmers and landholders. I would like to see an expansion or education of the wild dog bounty, currently in place. I would like to make it easier for the community to use council owned facilities.

What are some of the big issues currently facing the region and how do you propose to address them?

The housing and rental situation is terrible here, as it is everywhere. I would like to see if the council can fast track new home and building approvals, possibly look at allowing medium density housing in areas that would fit. The last drought was something I never want to see again, however if the council were able to investigate more options of both water harvesting and storage, that would be a step in the right direction.

If elected, how do you promise to generate real change which improves the livelihoods of residents living in the Southern Downs?

The only thing I can promise is that I will work with anyone. I am a fair, community minded, common sense person that will do my best to effect much needed change, however we need a united council to generate real change for all the community.