Navigate the final sprint

Navigation your way to Warwick Showgrounds for the orienteering event.

The final event of the summer sprint orienteering event series is set to take place on Sunday, 25 February, at the Warwick Showgrounds.

The initial two events garnered significant interest, particularly among students and newcomers, reflecting a burgeoning enthusiasm for the sport of orienteering.

Liz Bourne, publicity officer for the Bullecourt Boulder Bounders Club, expressed enthusiasm about the turnout for the series so far.

“These events provide an excellent opportunity for novices to grasp the fundamental map reading and navigational skills essential for orienteering, setting a solid foundation before they venture into bush events,“ Ms Bourne said.

The upcoming event on Sunday will feature two distinct courses tailored to accommodate both beginners and seasoned participants, ensuring an inclusive and engaging experience for all attendees.

“No special gear is required and compasses may be borrowed at the event,“ Ms Bourne said

Attendees are advised to dress appropriately for outdoor activities, wear sturdy footwear, don a hat, and bring along a water bottle. The nominal entry fee of $5 for beginners covers the cost of the map, making the event accessible to all.

Access to the showgrounds will be through Gate 4 off Palmerin Street, streamlining the entry process for participants and spectators alike.

The Bullecourt Boulder Bounders Club anticipates its inaugural bush-orienteering event of the season on 10 March at Dalveen, offering participants a unique opportunity to test their skills in a natural environment.

For further inquiries or to stay updated on future events, interested individuals can contact 4683 6374 or visit