Kelvin Johnston pitches vision

Granite Belt Music Council president Kelvin Johnston, pictured right, has thrown his name into the mix for council elections in March. Picture: FILE

Granite Belt Music Council president and Southern Downs election candidate Kelvin Johnston has put forward his pitch to voters while asking his opponents to consider their vision for the region.

Mr Johnston took to social media several days after nominations closed to publicly launch his campaign.

“I ask all candidates to answer the question ‘What is your vision for the future?’,” he wrote on social media.

“We must create a united and durable vision for now and the future.

“We need to protect this vision for the future and to open up the door to have a transparent voice, and it needs to be an inclusive process for the whole community right now and into the future.”

A passionate community advocate, Mr Johnston has long pushed for legislative reform on issues such as child sexual abuse and industrial relations.

He has also sought to promote musicians throughout the region through his work with the Granite Belt Music Council.

“It is evident that I have tried as founder and patron through Granite Belt Music Council to do my best to tap into community views and needs to understand what is needed in our Southern Downs community,” he said.

“I don’t shy away from difficult matters and issues, evident in my successes in my advocacy work pro bono throughout my life.”