Local knowledge and experience

David Thompson will bring local knowledge and experience to the Southern Downs Regional Council.

Ian David Thompson, known to most as David Thompson, is using his local knowledge and experience to spearhead his Southern Downs Regional Council campaign.

Mr Thompson has six years on road construction with DTMR, 15 years at the Killarney Abattoirs, 25 years with the QLD Ambulance Service and 12 years as an Auxiliary Firefighter and currently works on a casual basses at the Warwick Hospital.

Mr Thompson said all of these careers have given him a broad knowledge of the people, the infrastructure and the socio-economics of the local area.

“I have a good understanding of the dynamics of the region and the areas that can be improved upon. This will put me in good stead for issues tabled at council meetings,” Mr Thompson said.

“One of my main priorities is to have a united region with a focus on dynamic growth in both industrial and residential areas which will enhance tourism, not only to our big-ticket events like Apple & Grape, Jumpers & Jazz, the Warwick Pentathrun, and the Warwick Rodeo but also the Killarney Bonfire Night, Allora Heritage Weekend, Leyburn Sprints and the natural attractions of the area.”