New citizens welcomed to the Southern Downs

Mayor Melissa Hamilton and Town Crier Bob Townshend congratulated Michelle Hall on her citizenship. Pictures: LUCY WALDRON

By Lucy Waldron

Seven new citizens have been welcomed into the Southern Downs region by the newly appointed Mayor Melissa Hamilton along with councillors Cynthia McDonald, Russell Wantling and Sheryl Windle.

The official citizenship ceremony, held to celebrate the participants becoming an Australian citizen, was marked by pledges, certificates, and warm wishes for their future within the community.

Southern Downs Mayor Melissa Hamilton said these ceremonies are a great opportunity to not only welcome the new citizens but for all of us to reflect on our role in the community and how we continue to enrich our country and contribute to our cohesive well-being and prosperous history.

“Our seven candied today for Australian citizenship have come to us from different parts of the globe,” Mayor Hamilton said.

“You will all further add to our diverse and multicultural Australian community and we are so happy to be part of this very important occasion.”

Each new citizen made their pledge and received their official Australian citizenship certificate. As symbols of growth and integration, they were also gifted a coin and a plant, a gesture meant to accompany them on their journey as active members of the Southern Downs community.

Mayor Hamilton urged the new citizens to actively engage with their newfound community.

“Today we publicly display your commitment and we encourage you to participate in your community, to contribute to your new country and to help build our future together,” Cr Hamilton said.

“I offer you all my congratulations and wish you all the very best for your future.”

The official proceedings concluded with the rendition of the Australian anthem, followed by light refreshments.

This provided an opportunity for the new citizens to mingle with local councillors and community members and the Southern Downs region embraced its newest members.