Celebrating decades in the job

Greg Owens has worked for the council, in one incarnation or other, for 45 years.

The days of a ’job for life’ might be over for most workers, but there are still folks clocking up decades of service to one employer – and the Southern Downs Regional Council has been celebrating some of those people.

Wayne McCosker and Heath Tomkins were recognised at a council meeting in Stanthorpe.

Wayne has been with the council for 35 years while Heath, a senior engineering project officer, has worked there for 30 years.

Council CEO Dave Burges described their attainments as significant milestones.

“It’s not often you see this level of commitment,“ he said.

Warren Henricksen and Greg Owens were acknowledged for their long-standing service in Warwick.

Warren, a long-term grader operator who started as a Rosenthal Shire Council employee, has notched up 40 years of service. The Rosenthal council was amalgamated with Warwick City Council, Allora and Glengallan Shire Councils into the Warwick Shire Council and after a further amalgamation with Stanthorpe Shire Council became the current Southern Downs Regional Council.

Greg Owens, a truck driver for the council, recalled that although he was being recognised for 45 years of service, he could actually track his working history back even further.

“I started with Rosenthal Shire Council in 1976 then got laid off. Eight months later they asked if I’d take my job back,“ he said.

Mr Burges described the accomplishment as “45 years plus one-and-a-half years“ which he said was an enormous effort.

“I bet life was different in those days,“ he said.

Greg had only positive things to say about his employment with the council.

“It’s been a pleasure,“ he said.

“When I do my yearly review I always say I have the best job on the council.“