Celebrating Warwick’s volunteers

The volunteers of Warwick celebrated the end of Volunteer Week with a morning tea hosted by the Southern Downs Regional Council. Picture: LUCY WALDRON

By Lucy Waldron

The volunteers of Warwick have been celebrated through a morning tea hosted by the Southern Downs Regional Council on 23 May.

The event, held at the Town Hall, gathered several active community members who shared their volunteer experiences and engaged in discussions with council staff on enhancing volunteer efforts across the Southern Downs.

Michael Bell, the Southern Downs Regional Council Manager of Community Services, welcomed attendees and acknowledged the valuable suggestions presented during the event.

One key proposal was the creation of a system to showcase volunteer opportunities and spread them throughout the region.

Mr Bell said this year’s theme of volunteer week ‘Something for Everyone’ highlights that there is a place for everyone in the world of volunteering.

“The council has been hosting thank-you events throughout National Volunteer Week to highlight the incredible work done by you and the region’s army of volunteers,” he said.

“National Volunteer Week is a chance for both the council and the community to express immense gratitude to all of you.

“Volunteering is a great way to strengthen your connection with the community, bring people together, and meet new friends.”

Bell also noted that local schools are beginning to recognise the importance of volunteering by offering it as an elective for students.

“This encourages students to get involved in the region and become the next generation of volunteers, which I think is fantastic,” he said.

Southern Downs Mayor Melissa Hamilton also expressed her appreciation for the volunteers’ invaluable contributions.

“National Volunteer Week is an opportunity for our community to say a huge thank you to those residents who give their time and energy to local causes and community groups,” Mayor Hamilton said.

The morning tea event served as a showcase of the essential role volunteers play in making the Southern Downs a warm and welcoming community.