Music helps mental health

Institutionalized Band will play at the Local Youth Talent Concert. Picture: GBMC

By Lucy Waldron

The Granite Belt Music Council (GBMC) is putting youth at the forefront of its operations after recognising the correlation between the arts and mental health.

Through initiatives like the GBMC youth mentor program and events such as Local Youth Talent, the organisation aims to prepare young people for success in both music and life.

In a recent letter to the Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC), GBMC highlighted the critical need to value youth within the community.

The group warned that neglecting youth can lead to feelings of hopelessness, which may increase the risk of youth crime, and drug and alcohol abuse.

“Youth engagement and ongoing mentorship for all youth to have access to their cultural pursuits is the key to moving forward,” they wrote.

Despite these positive efforts, GBMC has encountered challenges, particularly related to insurance for hosting events in council-owned parks.

The Southern Downs Council did not approve three event permits due to an internal review concerning insurance issues.

In response, GBMC requested the council to reconsider, emphasising that the decision threatens their work.

A council spokesperson clarified to Warwick Stanthorpe Today that no musical events in Weeroona Park have been rejected outright.

“Once the applicant provides evidence of their public liability insurance, as outlined in the conditions of hire, the assessment can be finalised,” the spokesperson said.

GBMC president Kelvin Johnston stated that the organisation had reached out to the Musicians Union to obtain public liability insurance.

However, he questioned why a partnership with SDRC, as seen in previous events, is not being considered.

“We seek to be in partnership with SDRC and for SDRC to place GBMC along with all musicians who play at any parks in the Southern Downs – Weeroona Park, Leslie Park and the Piazza – to be covered by current public liability coverage of SDRC, as all the public are already covered,” he said.

“This can only be good for the Southern Downs for community well-being and tourism.”

Due to these setbacks, the Local Youth Talent concert has been relocated and will now be held at Ridgemill Estate Winery on 9th June.

Keep an eye on Granite Belt Music Council’s Facebook for updates.