Tackle the cold season well

Take precautions this winter season.

By Lucy Waldron

As the weather drops and the mornings fog over, immune systems are the first to break.

Runny noses and coughs are common during the cold months but what is not common and can be deadly is Whooping Cough.

A Darling Downs Health (DDH) spokesperson said 393 whooping cough cases have been reported across the Darling Downs since September 2023.

Whooping cough, caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, can affect individuals of all ages but is particularly severe in infants under six months.

“It usually starts with a runny nose, sneezing, and tiredness before the cough develops,” the spokesperson said.

Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. “If you suspect you or your child has whooping cough or has been in contact with a diagnosed case, seek medical treatment from your GP,” advised the DDH spokesperson.

There are preventive measures the community can take to protect against respiratory illnesses during the cold months. These include staying up-to-date with immunizations, maintaining good hand hygiene, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying home when unwell.

As the region tackles the chill in the air, taking these precautions can help safeguard individual and public health.