Council to deliver $47 milion in capital program

A snapshot of the saleyards project earlier this year. Picture: SDRC

The SDRC budget for the 2024-25 year plans to deliver more than $47 million in its capital program.

While a new landfill cell in Warwick is set to swallow $6 million, in other parts of the Southern Downs Regional Council’s draft capital budget, $11.8 million has been divided among drainage improvements, resealing/rehabilitation of roads and flood recovery works.

Water and sewerage capital projects are expected to include a drought resilience program, smart reticulation network monitoring and Connolly Dam Spillway options, totaling $17.7 million.

Just under $7 million has been set aside for parks and operations, while the project at the Warwick Saleyards should cost around $1.2 million during the year as part of the redevelopment program already under way.

Cr Carla Pidgeon said the saleyards improvements would encompass stage three of the sheepyards including funding for NLIS compliance and scanning, along with some shade for the sheepyards over the fat lamb area and the completion of the sheep administration services area.

“It will also include stage 4 of the saleyards and this funding will allow the completion of the carpark works outside of stage 1 that was descoped by the prior council,” she said.

Wastewater infrastructure in Stanthorpe will be upgraded to the tune of tens of millions of dollars over four years in a plan outlined in the Southern Downs Regional Council’s draft budget.

The proposed budget has set aside $33 million to be spent to upgrade the Stanthorpe Wastewater Treatment Plant, starting with an $850,000 investment in the project in the coming financial year.

Mayor Melissa Hamilton described the proposed upgrade as ‘long overdue’.

The capital program makes up more than $47 million of the budget, with 62 projects allocated across works, parks, waste management and water and sewerage. It is expected to have an operational surplus of $914,000.