Wantling misses out on committee position

Cr Russell Wantling.

By Jenel Hunt

Despite audit and risk being clearly outlined as part of his portfolio, Councillor Russell Wantling has been dropped from the Southern Downs Regional Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee.

Originally, Mayor Melissa Hamilton, Cr Joel Richters and Cr Wantling were appointed to the committee but then it was found that Section 201 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 specified that the audit committee of a local government must include one but no more than two councillors.

Deputy Mayor Cr Sheryl Windle put a nomination forward for the Mayor and Cr Richters to be on the committee.

“I believe you have the background experience to fulfil that role,” she said to them.

Her motion was seconded by Cr Cynthia McDonald.

Cr Ross Bartley put a further nomination in for Cr Wantling to be on the committee.

“Cr Wantling showed a great deal of interest in being one of the representatives on the audit and risk management committee. I think it’s imperative that we bring on our new councillors through those roles. It’s good to identify experience in the room, but how do you get experience if you don’t go on these committees?

“Cr Wantling was one of the first to put his hand up to be on that committee and he has a strong interest in council finance. I’d like to see him as one of the representatives.”

Cr Bartley was concerned a motion was already on the books for Hamilton and Richters and that would be voted on first.

“I think all nominations should be considered in the same light. By putting a motion in first, it effectively could wipe out any further nominations,” Cr Bartley said.

That happened, negating any chance of Cr Wantling being considered for the position.

After the motion was carried, Cr Bartley had to ask for the opportunity to vote against the motion (which he and Cr Wantling then did) and also called for a division to be recorded.

Cr Hamilton said she would encourage Cr Wantling and all the other councillors to continue to come to the audit and risk meetings as observers to get experience.

“I don’t rule out that we may find ourselves changing representatives on committees as people get into their portfolios and gain the experience around the table.”

Clearly disappointed, Cr Wantling went ahead and made the presentation he had prepared beforehand.

“When I was elected as a councillor, I made a decision to be a full-time councillor to dedicate myself to this position,” he said.

“I’m on two SDRC engagement committees at this point. If removed from audit and risk, I will be on one engagement committee – not a very good use of somebody’s time who has dedicated themselves to this job.

“I must also add audit and risk is one of my portfolios.

“I’m the first to admit I’m not an experienced councillor, like most of us around this table. We have only been in the job for three months.

“When we discussed and voted on our portfolios and committees, I was the only councillor who raised their hand to be on this audit and risk committee.

“It was after that that Cr Richters, encouraged by the Mayor to also be on this committee. I would like to stay on the audit and risk committee, which is in line with my portfolio, which is something that this council has made a very big deal of.”