In brief

No bond reduction for removal houses

A motion to reduce the council security bond for removal houses in the Southern Downs from $30,000 to $20,000 has been lost.

Councillor Joel Richters’ motion at the council meeting of 19 June was aimed at making removal houses more affordable, particularly for first home owners as the extra $10,000 would be available as working capital rather than being tied up in the bond, but Cr Ross Bartley said council officers had given a good presentation on the reason that the fee was set at $30,000 and he was also happy to learn people could be refunded part of their bond as certain aspects of the work were satisfactorily completed.

At the meeting the council’s schedule of general fees and charges for 2024-25 year was adopted.

On average, the fees and charged will increase by 5 per cent and this component of the council’s income will generate more than $6.7 million in revenue.

It is within the CEO’s power to waive an individual fee or charge up to $10,000 in value.

Recycled water agreement closer

The proposed Stanthorpe Irrigators Recycled Water Agreement of the Southern Downs Regional Council and Stanthorpe irrigators may have only one amendment to be approved before being finalised.

It has taken months to get to this stage, but at the Southern Downs Regional Council meeting on 19 June the SDRC Mayor, Councillor Melissa Hamilton, proposed an amendment to ensure the proposed agreement be worded so that if there were changes to the Local Government Act and regulations, a future council would not be bound by superseded legislation.

The amendment will be put to the irrigators.

Native title discussion in-camera

The Southern Downs Regional Council meeting was closed to the public on 19 June while councillors discussed a Native Title claim by the Githabul people.

Considered confidential because it contained information in relation to legal advice obtained by the council, the matter was returned to an open meeting for the decision, which was to adopt the position of the state with respect to the agreed list of non-exclusive title rights and interests, reserving the council’s position on the second list of not-yet-agreed rights and interests until the state had finalised its view.