A chocolate side kick for Courtney

Courtney with her Chocolate Cane Toad ready to embark on their journey.

By Lucy Waldron

Who would have thought a chocolate cane toad could become the unexpected companion on a trip to the second State of Origin? This became a reality for Warwick Stanthorpe Today’s own Courtney Walsh.

Last week, as Courtney was driving to work, she tuned into Bronte and Lakey’s on the radio. The hosts put out a call for people heading to the State of Origin to join in on a unique adventure. Intrigued, Courtney decided to give it a shot.

“I didn’t think they would actually pick me, but I thought I would just give it a try anyway,” she said. They even found her name catchy, dubbing her “Cane Toad Courtney.”

The idea from the radio station was developed due to the cane toad being the quintessential Queensland animal.

“This year, to highlight the State of Origin 2024 series, Bronte & Lakey, with the help of an incredible chocolatier on the Gold Coast, wanted to create, produce and distribute their very own Chocolate Cane Toad to celebrate the Mighty Maroons!” a spokesperson for the station said.

The adventure kicked off with a sleepover, followed by an amusing experience going through customs. Once cleared, the party in Melbourne truly began.

“The people I spoke to throughout the journey thought I was weird at first but once I explained what was happening they were keen to jump in a photo with him,” Courtney said.

Her friends were initially puzzled by her decision, but her simple response of “why not” soon won them over. The chocolate cane toad became part of the group, with friends regularly checking in on his travels.

Now back in Queensland, Courtney faces the dilemma of whether to eat her chocolate companion. “He’s been through a lot now so I don’t know if I want to eat him, I think I might put him in a jar and keep him for as long as I can,” she said, clearly having grown fond of her sweet sidekick.