Junior orienteers converge

Ewan Keith from Wyberba will one of six juniors taking part in the orienteering training camp.

Six juniors from Warwick, Stanthorpe and Inglewood will join 32 of the state’s top young orienteers for four days of intensive training and competition on the Southern Downs this week.

The six include Inglewood’s Matilda Cooper, Sasha Kendall of Stanthorpe, Liam, Margaret and Erin O’Dea from The Summit and Ewan Keith from Wyberba.

The training camp has attracted the best juniors orienteers from all over South East Queensland and they will be keen to hone their skills this week in the lead up to the Queensland Schools Orienteering Championships which are being held on 20/21 July.

These championships act as a selection trial for the Queensland team to contest the national titles which are being held in Armidale in October.

After sprint training in Toowoomba on Thursday, the juniors will travel to their base in Stanthorpe where they will take part in bush events in Pozieres State Forest and at Marylands.

On Sunday, the camp championships will take place on grazing land north of Dalveen.

This will be combined with a local event organised by the Bullecourt Boulder Bounders Club where more than 60 people are expected to take part.