Residents to have another say on sports and recreation spaces

Residents have been asked to have another say on sport and recreational areas in the Southern Downs. Picture: Chris Munro.

By Jeremy Cook

Southern Downs residents have again been asked for their thoughts in shaping the future of the region’s sport and recreational spaces.

Two community workshops will be held in Warwick followed by Stanthorpe next week for residents to consult on the Southern Downs Regional Council’s “Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Master Plan”.

Town planners and urban designers Tract Consultants, who also specialise in landscape architecture, have been contracted by the council to run a series of targeted activities at the workshops.

Hard copies of the council’s open space, sport and recreation survey, which closed on 21 June, will be available for workshop participants to complete.

A council spokeswoman said survey results will “inform the development of future management and planning” of the Southern Downs’ recreational open spaces.

“The survey is part of a broader master planning exercise being conducted by council,” the spokeswoman said.

“Survey results may be released at council discretion as part of the development and finalisation of relevant documents.”

Warwick Workshop:

– Date: 6pm to 8pm, Tuesday 9 July 2024

– Venue: Warwick Town Hall

Stanthorpe Workshop

– Date: 6pm to 8pm, Wednesday 10 July 2024

– Venue: Stanthorpe Civic Centre Supper Room

No RSVP required for either workshop