Memorial upgrades underway

Stanthorpe RSL Sub Branch president, Martin Corbett and the three pieces of war equipment to be relocated. Pictures: LUCY WALDRON

By Lucy Waldron

To honour the contributions of all veterans and the broader community, the Stanthorpe RSL Sub Branch has proposed an extensive upgrade to the War Memorial surrounds in Weeroona Park.

The project, initiated approximately 18 months ago, aims to recognise veterans from recent conflicts such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Timor, and other various UN missions, who currently lack formal recognition at the memorial while also relocating significant war items and making the space accessible.

Stanthorpe RSL sub branch president Martin Corbett emphasised the importance of acknowledging the service of our contemporary veterans from recent conflicts.

“It’s not about putting them on a pedestal but acknowledging their service and letting them know we understand and appreciate their contributions too,” Mr Corbett said.

The proposal includes erecting two new memorials and relocating the National Servicemen Memorial into the new Stanthorpe Memorial Garden. The United Nations Peacemakers and Peacekeepers Memorial to highlight that it wasn’t just the defence force members that deserve recognition, but also the police, doctors, nurses and aid workers ,” Mr Corbett said.

The second memorial will recognise those veterans’ who service in such areas as Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor.

Additionally, war equipment currently outside the Stanthorpe RSL Services Club is proposed to be moved into the park behind the current war memorial stand.

This includes the 77mm Turkish Field Gun, presented to the Stanthorpe community as a World War I war trophy in 1921.

After being vandalised at its place at the Stanthorpe Soldiers Memorial on Foxton Hill, it was moved to the RSL Services Club.

“The gun was always intended for the community, and moving it to the park allows everyone to appreciate this significant artifact,” Mr Corbett said.

Accompanying the gun will be a Pilatus Porter propeller and a navy anchor. Mr Corbett has assured the safety of the equipment as they will be in an enclosure located right across from the police station.

Having consulted with the majority of local clubs and organisations, Mr Corbett noted that groups like Rotary, Lions, and the chamber of commerce have all backed the initiative. He also believes that upgrading the memorial will bring significant value to the community, allowing families and visitors to honour the memory of those who served.

“You can’t look at a memorial and say it doesn’t add value to an area; to see that recognition, you can’t beat it,” he said.

The final upgrade, in partnership with the Southern Downs Regional Council, involves making the war memorial stand wheelchair accessible. SDRC supplied the plans for the wheelchair ramp at no cost to the sub branch.

Discussions are underway to determine how best to implement this and a council spokesperson said council provided the Stanthorpe RSL Sub Branch with a letter of support in 2023 to submit with their funding application.

“As part of the letter of support, council requires the upgrades to be designed by suitably qualified persons, with the relevant permits and approvals in place, which will then require council sign-off,” the spokesperson said.

“Council congratulates the Stanthorpe RSL sub branch for their work and dedication to get the project to this point and we will closely work with them to ensure the project strikes the right balance.”

The sub branch has already received a grant of $100,000 from the Department of Veterans Affairs to complete these upgrades, ensuring no cost to the community.

“[Community consultation] is being driven by the Stanthorpe RSL sub branch, with council working closely with the branch to achieve a positive outcome and experience for all,” the spokesperson said.

“Further consultation will occur at the appropriate time during the project lifecycle.”

Mr Corbett announced that the project is set to be completed by mid-2025, with a dedication service planned for just before Anzac Day next year. This event will invite the entire community to come together and commemorate the newly upgraded memorial.