Canberra trip a trust-building exercise for councillors

Councillor Carla Pidgeon with Toowoomba Deputy Mayor Rebeccas Vonhoff, South Burnett Councillor Linda Little and Councillor Joel Richters in Canberra. (Supplied)

Southern Downs councillors have spruiked a recent trip to Canberra as the key to being heard by the country’s top policymakers.

Councillors Carla Pidgeon and Joel Richters were among the more than 1,000 Australian council representatives at this year’s national convening of local governments in early-July.

Hosted by the Australian Local Government Association and billed as a trust-building exercise between different levels of government, the conference gave councillors a chance to interact with key national policymakers, Cr Richters said.

“Being in Canberra allowed us to speak directly to our country’s leaders about the things we need most, ensuring our voices are heard at the highest levels,” he said.

How to build trust with communities was top of the agenda for attendees. Cr Pidgeon said attendees heard from experts in governance and community engagement who offered “insights into fostering trust within our communities”.

Mayor Melissa Hamilton, who will hand down the council’s budget next Wednesday, said “councillors had to consider whether it was worthwhile for council to be represented” at the event.

“We identified clear areas where advocacy to the federal government and ministers would significantly benefit our region, primarily regarding agriculture, water and housing,” Cr Hamilton said.

“In particular, the involvement of the Department of Agriculture will be key as we seek to attract new investment in agricultural processing to the region.

“I have been clear that putting downward pressure on rates will require new industry and business choosing our region, and we will push hard for those opportunities over the term of this council.”

In a statement to media, the Southern Downs Regional Council maintained its commitment to “proactive leadership and continuous improvement”.

“The insights gained … will undoubtedly contribute to [the] council’s ongoing efforts to serve the community effectively and sustainably,” the statement read.