QCWA needs help!

The QCWA Grafton Street sandwich shop is calling for more volunteers to keep its doors open and continue serving the community.

Due to health concerns and family obligations, some of the dedicated volunteers are unable to contribute as before, creating a need for new hands in the QCWA Condamine Valley/Warwick tea rooms.

Recently, the shop had to close on Mondays, and there is a growing concern that another closure day might be inevitable.

“If this happens, it would affect our loyal customers and travellers, as well as our community,” said Penny Campbell-Wilson, Publicity Convenor.

“All sandwich fillings are purchased in Warwick, and we enjoy a strong working relationship with the trades and services in the Warwick region.

“Many would be impacted if we operated only three days a week.”

The QCWA acknowledges that similar challenges are faced by other organisations in the district.

“For nearly 100 years, our branch has kept its doors open, and it is certainly not our wish to close another day. We would warmly welcome new volunteers.“

Please ring the QCWA Condamine Valley/Warwick Rooms on 4661 2966 between Tuesday and Friday if you are able to assist.